Sample Dialogue Between an Overlord and one of his Generals:
Overlord: “Tell me, General, what is it you seek by your employ within my ranks?”
General: “I seek to see your vision of the world to fruition.”
Overlord: “I take great discomfort in your answer.”
General: “My Lord?”
Overlord: “Have you no ambition of your own other than to see me succeed?”
General: “What I desire has little bearing on what must be.”
Overlord: “Do you know how I rose to this position?”
General: “The Legends say-”
Overlord: “The Legends are tales spun by fools to inveigle the addlepated masses.”
General: “I do understand that some artistic license was taken in the weaving of those Tales.”
Overlord: “I rose by guile. I stand here because I desired it. For that reason, I have little use for those who have no ambition of their own. That you claim no desires of your own fills me with unease.”
General: “I did not say I desired nothing. I said only that my desires are of little consequence.”
Overlord: “Without desires, there is little reason for anything else whatsoever.”
General: “I wish to become the overseer of my village.”
Overlord: “I believe I know the village of which you speak. Do you believe your leadership will make that much of a difference?”
General: “I do not believe I shall fall into the same corruption that plagues the current leadership.”
Overlord: “Strong words. I, to, came from such a village. There is much to repair in a location that has fallen so low.”
General: “I am aware. I am certain of my ability to succeed.”
Overlord: “Even if you do, what purpose will that serve?”
General: “Pardon?”
Overlord: “Far be it from me to judge the value of your desires, but were you to pull that fetid village back from the quagmire into which it sinks, what benefit would you glean from it?”
General: “I lost much in that place, and reforming it will prevent such a fate from befalling those who follow.”
Overlord: “Perhaps you understand better than I imagined why it is I do all of this.”
Dialogue Sample
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